Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Helpful Hints

This is a super simple post on some things I have found that are helping me. Some may seem so silly or tiny, but they have totally helped me NOT cave. 

  • Use a straw. I noticed when put a straw in my water, I drink SO much more through the day. 

  • If you get the "snackies" when you know you should not be eating... I drink water or chew gum. 

  • Brush your teeth more often throughout the day. I noticed when I have that clean fresh taste in my mouth, I'm less likely to crave an unnecessary snack.

  • Work out in the earlier part of the day. I noticed as the day goes on I get pretty clever at thinking up reasons I cant work out that day or build up that huge loathing feeling of needing to do it. 

  • Agree with a friend, that understands your goals, to text each other every time you have a treat....every single bite. There are many times I have not taken a bite or eaten an unnecessary treat because I did not want to admit it to Brianne. 

  • Keep your workout clothes and shoes ready in an easy place. When its ready to go and I don't have to search for anything leaves me with one less reason to put it off. 

  • Keep some supplements on you. I totally carry one of those small old people medicine organizer thingy's in my purse. If I don't get to taking them before I jet out the door, I have them in my bag so I don't forget to take them. 

  • Don't keep treats in your house. If you're anything like me, most of the time, I'm not strong enough to have a goodie in the house and NOT cave. Throw it out or give it away. Brianne was mean enough to give me her left over girl scout cookies that were driving her nuts. Yesterday I caved twice and ate one when I didn't want to. Thanks Brianne..... grrrrrrr. 

  • Remind yourself.  I need to remind myself on a daily basis why I'm doing this..... it is NOT to just to loose weight. It is to try to help my body do its thing by keeping my insides and mind healthy so I can fulfill my roles well. 

  • Balance. If my health permits, I don't want to become so restrictive that I become miserable in mood. Having overall healthy habits for me and my family with allowance for occasional treats and exceptions is great for the soul! Being in a good mood is also good on the mind and body and I find if I'm too rigid or restrictive it steels away some of that spark in me. It can get tricky, but I found that striving for that balance is worth the alternative of giving up all treats because its hard to balance. 
There are so many more and I'm sure Brianne has some good ones too. These were the ones fresh on my mind! Hope some of them help! 

Leave a comment of tips you have for me and Brianne too! Please, any help is great. 



  1. I love th way you say, "I get clever" at coming up with reasons you don't need to exercise. I know JUST what you mean - haha! These are great tips and just up my alley. I NEEEED these practical things to keep focused. Thanks!

  2. I get the straw thing. I totally had to buy myself a cool glass to excite myself to drink more water. It works.
