Monday, February 17, 2014

Jillian Michaels, Traveling, and Weighing Myself

I don't know what has been going on, but if you can't tell by our (or maybe it's just mine) semi-deppressing blog posts over the last week or so I think we've been in a bit of a funk.  I've come to realize what part of the problem has been…

1.  I hate doing the Jillian Michaels video.  There I said it.  I dreaded every day of doing it, and not because it was challanging but becasue her way of training buuuuuugs me.  When it comes down to it not all personality mesh, and the way she tries to coach you through the exercise just wasn't my favorite.  I tried to hang in there and stick with it because Kristin and I committed to it but last week we decided to move on *enter happy dance*.  Nothing against JM personally, she's been wildly successful with her training technique and I know many people who are really motivated by those videos, unfortunately I'm not one of them.  We're back with HasFit and doing their 90 day warrior and I'm much happier.

This is what my workout looks like most days.  It's rarely uninterrupted, and often done in the process of answering school questions, but it gets done!
2.  Too much fun.  I mean can you really have too much fun?  When it comes to trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle the answer (for me) is yes!  We've had back to back weekend trips, Joshua Tree last weekend, and our favorite book sale trip in Arizona this weekend.  Now don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about it one bit, I love to travel and am thankful for the opportunity to have these adventures, but it is harder to maintain as healthy of habits when traveling.  I did things to help like packing lunch for the car trip, getting green smoothies at a juice bar when we could, and bringing healthy snacks… but I also made sure I fully enjoyed myself which meant we ordered dessert at dinner, I had bread more often than at home, and zero exercise!  After all is said and done I was perfectly fine with how I ate over the weekend, I made a conscious efforts not to overdue it, but still enjoyed all the fun that comes with being on vacation.

First thing I asked my husband for when we got back to Orange County was to stop at Mothers to get green juice, it was the only thing that sounded good after a weekend of yummy food.  My body was craving something healthy!
3.  Now for the thing I think has been the number one contributor to putting me in a funk… weighing myself.  Sounds crazy, right?  I mean I used to weigh myself nearly every single day when I would work out in the past.  But now because my focus has been on nutrition and healthy habits as soon as I think too much about loosing weigh or being a certain size I get really discouraged.  Sheesh, I hate to even admit that but it's true.  After a little pity party I snap out of it and get focused again.  I mean change is happening, my body feels way better, my anxiety is a fraction of what it was, and I am losing weight, I'm just doing it the good ol' old fashioned way which takes a bit longer… slowly but surely.

What helps you get out of a funk?  I think it's just part of the challenge of making new changes.  As for now, I'm really happy to be on the other end of it now. :)


  1. Girrrrrl, you gotta stop weighing yourself. That is the path to madness! You can be 5 pounds different depending on the time of day and how much water you've had and...a million other things. It will just make you sad. Not to mention that muscle weighs more than fat and it sounds like you're making some conversions. Instead you should measure yourself! Take measurements of your arms, hips, thighs and so on every month. It is such a game changer! If you can get one of the hand held meters that measures body fat % that's also great!

    Exercise doesn't always have to be fun but it can be! I think that ditching Jillian was the right thing for you. Is there a reason why you don't exercise outside? That always makes me a lot happier. (But it's super cold here so that would be dumb right now.)

    PS long time reader/Instagram time commenter :)

  2. Okay this is my third comment in five minutes and I probably look like a stalker, but I find your perspective very refreshing! :D

    A few years back I spent the whole year taking nutrition courses, paying for a physical therapist, and joining a "weight watchers-esque" program, and I stopped doing it in large part because I just didn't feel like I identified with the "culture of it" - so it very refreshing to me to read your posts and know you don't like Jillian Michels either. Hehe. With trying to be careful not to disrespect anybody - put simply, I want to *challenge* myself, not unreasonably SUFFER or FEAR nutrition and exercise. (To be fair, I'm pretty laid back so I might consider "suffering" what another person considers "challenging". Hehe. STILL! I'm sticking to that.)

    Since you asked - the way I get out of a funk is Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies! ;) (I guess it's not something you're supposed to do every day if you have specific weight loss goals - because it is specifically for people struggling with obesity, and it's not considered to really be CHALLENGING (for those not in that population), but I'm certain it's better than nothing, yeah?) I just think it's fun!
